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Cheat PLANB for Rust

(2 条用户评价)

安全性 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐
功能性 - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Cheat Status – [product_info name=”rust_planb” display=”status”]

Windows – 10 [1909-22H2] / 11 [21H2-23H2]
CPU – Intel & AMD
模式 – 无边框 / 窗口
机器码 – No

平台 – Steam

[INTERNAL] [OVER 230+ Features]

PlanB is one of the best cheat for Rust. PlanB Rust designed for those who aspire to gaming excellence, offering a plethora of features that make your gameplay more captivating and dynamic.


⭐ Earn up to 255 points!



◼ PSilent with key and prediction
◼ PSilent melee with key and prediction
◼ Memory aimbot with key and prediction
◼ Targetting features & exploits work for all world entities
◼ Target fov
◼ Visible check
◼ Target friends
◼ Target patrol-heli
◼ Hitbox override
◼ Aimbone (Head/Upper body/Body/Pelvis/Legs/Closest to crosshair/Random)
◼ Silent melee
◼ Hit Chance
◼ force burst on weapon
◼ Force heli-weakspot
◼ Weapon spam with key
◼ Snapline visible color
◼ Snapline invisible color
◼ Hitpoints & colors
◼ Automatic
◼ No recoil
◼ Rapid fire
◼ Fire rate
◼ Remove shoot restrictions
◼ Auto shoot
◼ Fast bow
◼ No sway
◼ Auto reload
◼ Instant eoka
◼ Lock target with key
◼ Spread %
◼ Thick bullets
◼ Thickness (0 - 2.8m)
◼ Velocity scale (manual / automatic)
◼ Long hand
◼ Glass effect on hit
◼ Minimum desync (for instant kills)
◼ Magic heli
◼ Manipulator with key (adjustment sliders)
◼ Bullet tp (instant hit) (adjustment sliders)
◼ Double-tap (instant kill)
◼ Bullet queue
◼ Pierce
◼ Target behind wall
◼ Mounted magic bullet
◼ Hammer spam with key


◼ ESP Enabler
◼ Radar (player, npc, world ent)
◼ Raid ESP (any distance)
◼ Sleepers
◼ Corpses
◼ Show name
◼ Show distance
◼ Draw skeleton
◼ Draw look direction
◼ Draw hotbar
◼ Draw attire
◼ Health bar None / Side / Bottom / Fill box / Text
◼ Box type Full / Corners / 3D Cube / 3D Box
◼ Draw friends
◼ Target flag
◼ Friend flag
◼ Wounded flag
◼ Held item flag
◼ Player chams, world entity chams (dropped items etc), hand chams:
◼ None / Normal / Seethrough / Wireframe / Lit / Force field / Hologram / Light ramp / Galaxy / UCLA Wireframe
◼ Player list
◼ Entity boxes color
◼ Entity invisible color
◼ Entity chams visible color
◼ Entity chams invisible color
◼ Entity name color
◼ Entity name invisible color
◼ Entity distance color
◼ Entity distance invisible color
◼ Entity flags color
◼ Entity flags invisible color
◼ Player fov color
◼ Bullet tracers
◼ Visual thick bullet
◼ Zoom with key
◼ Custom time
◼ Star brightness
◼ Star size
◼ Moon size
◼ Sun size
◼ Nightness
◼ Rayleigh
◼ Day color
◼ Night color
◼ Menu accent
◼ Rainbow accent
◼ Movement line
◼ Hitpoints
◼ Hit logs
◼ Crosshair 1
◼ Crosshair 2
◼ Crosshair 3
◼ Swastika crosshair
◼ Draw target fov
◼ ESP font size
◼ Snapline:
◼ None / Top / Center / Bottom
◼ Manipulator angles
◼ Keybinds
◼ Flyhack indicator
◼ Reload indicator
◼ Desync indicator
◼ Targetted indicator
◼ Double tap indicator
◼ Cursor lock on menu open


◼ Stash
◼ Stone collectible
◼ Metal collectable
◼ Sulfur collectable
◼ Wood collectable
◼ Berries
◼ Hemp
◼ Stone Ore
◼ Metal Ore
◼ Sulfur Ore
◼ Dropped Item
◼ Loot Barrel 1
◼ Loot Barrel 2
◼ Basic Crate
◼ Normal Crate
◼ Elite Crate
◼ Tugboat
◼ Drone
◼ Bradley Crate
◼ Locked Crate
◼ Locked Oilrig Crate
◼ Bradley
◼ Attack heli
◼ Patrol heli
◼ Kayak
◼ Rhib
◼ Rowboat
◼ Minicopter
◼ Scrap heli
◼ Chinook Helicopter
◼ Wolf
◼ Boar
◼ Bear
◼ Horse
◼ Flame Turret
◼ Landmine
◼ Sam Site
◼ Shotgun Trap
◼ Snap Trap
◼ Wooden Floor Spikes
◼ Auto Turret
◼ Sleeping Bag
◼ Tool Cupboard


◼ Omnisprint
◼ Spiderman
◼ Big jump
◼ Teleport 5.5m
◼ Blink 5.5m
◼ Infinite jump
◼ Stand on head/Spin around head
◼ Walk to target
◼ Freeze on desync
◼ Timescale
◼ Anti-recycler
◼ Turn off recyclers
◼ Pickup collectibles
◼ Pickup dropped items
◼ Instant med
◼ Instant revive
◼ Revive friends only
◼ Fast loot
◼ Interactive debug with key
◼ Suicide with key
◼ Long neck with key
◼ No collisions
◼ Fake admin
◼ Fakelag
◼ Anti-aim
◼ none / backwards / backwards (down) / backwards (up) / left / left (down) / left (up) / right / right (down) / right (up) / spin up / spin (down) / random
◼ Spin speed
◼ Auto-farm
◼ None / Wood / Stone / Metal / Sulfur / Barrels
◼ Auto upgrade
◼ Wood / Stone / Metal / Armored
◼ Capsule Height
◼ Capsule Center
◼ Capsule Height Ducked
◼ Capsule Center Ducked
◼ Capsule Radius with key
◼ Snake game
◼ Tooltips
◼ Anti-flyhack
◼ Anti-deathbarrier
◼ Climb assist with key
◼ Silent stash-open with key
◼ Auto refill jackhammers
◼ Desync with key
◼ Swastika infront of player while holding hammer
◼ Spawn water effect on player and blind while holding hammer
◼ Snake game
◼ Player list
◼ waypoints manager (add locations, visualize, control max dist on esp etc)
◼ Aim with heavy armor
◼ disarm landmines
◼ keep wounded alive
◼ disable flash
◼ viewmodel bob
◼ viewmodel lower
◼ underwater blur
◼ aspect ratio changer
◼ Custom fonts

Customer Reviews

2 reviews

Cheat PLANB for Rust 有 2 个评价

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  1. homocerco02 (验证用户)

  2. Dreifarbem2 (验证用户)
